Destroy Procrastination Once And For All
By cheerful.egg  •  September 28, 2013

A funny thing happens to Singaporean males whenever we hear the word “IPPT”.

Our eyes glaze over and we shrug, and go, “Yeah, I should really train for that.” And then we go back to whatever we were doing before. But that doesn’t stop the thought from nagging us at the backs of our minds.

IPPT is a bitch. I hate it because it’s a constant worry that’s always hanging over my head. It’s like a tiny little annoying dude sitting on my shoulder whispering in my ear, “Are you sure you wanna eat that huge plate of mee goreng? You only have like 4 months left to go before your IPPT window closes, and you’re still unfit!”

(To my international friends, IPPT is a physical training test that Singaporean males have to take – and pass – every year. Bleagh.).


“Harh? Liddat only ah?...

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By cheerful.egg
Hey, what’s up? My name’s Lionel. When I was a kid, my favourite comic of all time was Spider-Man. Before he became a superhero, Peter Parker had to deal the day-to-day struggles of a young person: Living with foster parents, grades, bullies, and getting pushed around.

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