Shares & Derivatives
4 companies with stock catalysts you need to know (part 1)
By The Fifth Person  •  June 1, 2016
A stock catalyst is a revelation or event that causes the price of stocks to move. Such events break the stock price momentum and allow investors to unlock value that the market has previously failed to realize. In this two-part series, we will be highlighting four stocks that are positively affected by near-term catalysts.

1. Neratel – Phenomenal Gain from Divestment

Divestment Windfall for Shareholders
NeraTel announced the sale of their Point of Sale (POS) payment business for a consideration of $88.0 million to Paris-based Ingenico Group. The $88 million offer represents a 31.3x FY15 P/E valuation and accounts for 35 percent of Neratel’s market cap. While this deal is still subjected to shareholders’ approval, majority shareholder Asia Systems Ltd, which is owned by the Northstar Group, has already executed an irrevocable undertaking to vote in favour of the proposed transaction. The deal is estimated to give Neratel ......
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By The Fifth Person
The Fifth Person believes in spreading a message that financial literacy and sound investment knowledge can help people around the world achieve financial independence and lead better lives for themselves and their loved ones.

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