平凡也是一种幸福 (Joy of being ordinary)
By My Money and Me  •  August 9, 2016
I seldom publish a new blog post so soon after my last one yesterday. But today is a special day. Credit: It is Singapore’s birthday! It is also my first time going to the Parade at the new indoor stadium on the actual National Day. It is my “last” in several ways too. My last month as a school teacher, my last time enjoying 2 days of paid holidays (10/8 is a school holiday, yay!), likely my last time as a full time, highly paid employee. The Departure Chronicles: Giving notice The Departure Chronicles: Reflections of my 13 years If the median household income in Singapore is $8500 (including CPF), as a single person, I am earning more than that. I have tendered my notice and starting from September, will have zero active income. I am transiting from upper middle income to a 平凡人. Hearing this song on the radio resonates ......
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By My Money and Me
I have worked on achieving Financially Independence since year 2003. This blog writes of my journey towards freedom. I post articles relating to personal finance, and about my previous work as a school teacher in Singapore. On 5th August 2016, when I am 42 years young, I resigned from my last paid employment. I believe strongly in the universal law of attraction. To get, I must first give ...

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