Career & Education
Why i told my friend to get his son into JC instead of Poly.
By Growing your tree of prosperity  •  February 24, 2019
The story began months ago after my friend wrote to me privately with a query. His son managed to score 12 points for his O level exams and he wanted to ask me where should his son go to next.

This a JC or Poly question.

Upon knowing his son's grade, I congratulated him, and told him that his son has done well. He should definitely give JC a try, and the actual identity of the JC did not matter. In spite of the fact that my friend is,  himself, a living and breathing example of a successful polytechnic graduate, I told him to stop considering a polytechnic education for his son for now. 

He agreed with me my analysis.

The press has been too positive about a polytechnic education lately. You can read about it here. 

But behind these positive press reports are numbers that are hard to put a positive spin to.

The first

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By Growing your tree of prosperity
I have recently completed my Juris Doctor and I am waiting to be called by the Singapore Bar. For the past 15 years I was an IT manager and I have worked in multinationals, financial exchanges, trade unions and even a government agency. I started my career as an AS/400 administrator and moved on to manage IT projects and operations

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