Portfolio Building Basics: Asset Allocation
By Fatty Finance  •  February 11, 2020

As I mentioned in my previous post, for the average DIY investor, a passive investing strategy is the most optimal – it produces the most reliable result with the least effort from the investor.

Is implementing passive investing completely effortless?

Well, you will need to do a bit of homework before starting. That homework is determining your asset allocation.

Typically, the four main asset classes are:

BondsStocksReal Estate Investment Trusts (REITS)Commodities

In this article, I will only talk about stocks and bonds which are the two main asset class for your portfolio. In my next article we will explore the other asset classes, sub-classes and rebalancing your portfolio.

I will first talk about what is asset allocation and I would discuss factors that affect your allocation mainly your risk appetite, your ability to take risks and your needs.

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By Fatty Finance
My aim is to simplify finance and make it palatable for everybody. I gather only the freshest financial trends and topics, mix them together with economics, health, business, science and other quality ingredients and stew them over long hours to serve you the simplest and most wholesome meals. As this is a fairly new blog, I will be focusing on writing investment topics for now. I intend to talk about all aspects of personal finance and will continue to expand each sections as the blog grows.

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