I don’t want to feed the scammers or how to avoid the temptation of Getting-Rich-Quick-Schemes

There are people out there who want to be richwithout the risk, the sacrifice, or the delayed gratification necessary to accumulate such wealth.

But you and Ilogicallydo not belong to that group.  Of course not!

Well, in my case, that statement is a tiny bit of wishful thinking and overconfidence.

Actually (though unfortunately), wanting to get rich quick is human nature, but it often leads to huge mistakes, like buying penny stocks, chasing fads, and taking “hot” tips.


Hmm, so tempting

  • We all know that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • We are aware that in investing, the tortoise usually outperforms the hare.
  • We have heard that consistent double digit returnsabove 15%are statistically very unlikely.
  • We learnt at school (and in life) that nobody can predict the future.  It’s really a guessing game.

I was aware of all the above, nevertheless, I succumbed to that temptation where huge …