Say No to the Financial Adviser: “The Best FA is Myself”

Do you really need a financial adviser? That’s the question we’ll be exploring in this two-part series on the financial advisory landscape in Singapore. In this first part: Many people are hesitant, even wary, to engage the services of a financial adviser, even when they know they’ll benefit from some advice on how to better manage their money. But is there a valid reason for this skepticism? Let’s hear from critic Budget Babe on why she’ll say no to a financial adviser.

Words by Budget Babe

Financial advisers have gotten a pretty bad name for themselves over the years. We are all familiar with that one (or multiple, in my case) friend who tries a little too hard to sell us insurance. Many of you have probably encountered an old friend who reappears in your life again, asking you out on the pretext of “catching up”, only to realise …