First Ever Facebook Face-Off: Xiaomi Corp Vs Vicom Limited
First Ever Facebook Face-Off: Xiaomi Corp Vs Vicom Limited

Hi all,

we have held our first ever Facebook Face-off back in Oct 2018 for our VIA Club Members!

It is an experimental program we are trying out where our team with pitch 2 stocks during the show and fight it out among ourselves.

It was held in our Club Members Facebook Group and members have been very interactive with us.

We hope it was enjoyable for all of you. Do let us know your feedback on the show and how we can make it better as we are still Beta-testing it.

Here is the show.


Stanley: Hello, hello welcome everyone to our Facebook live Facebook face-off our first ever Facebook face-off today, we’re going to talk about two very interesting stock which is decided by me and Willie we decided that we’ll try to pitch a stock, one that we are optimistic about at this moment …