Models of thinking Part I
By Bully The Bear  •  December 3, 2010
I think it's a good thing to be multi-disciplinary. Besides adding flavour to your life, you can actually engage in meaningful discussions with many diverse people. I think the dabbling in a bit of this and that can expose you to different models of thinking. Models of thinking is the way you perceive things when doing certain disciplines, like psychology, science, maths, accountings etc. A lot of students ask me why they have to learn trigonometry and integration and differentiation, and that in real life you won't want to find the height of a tree or the rate of change of this and the area under a curve right? My reply is always the same. Most of the contents you learn in school are not important in real life. However, there are a lot of things that you learn while learning the contents that helps you tremendously in real life. ......
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By Bully The Bear
La papillion is french for butterfly. This blog chronicles my journey from an amateur in the stock market to where I am today. Have I turned into a beautiful butterfly? I don't know, but I think my metamorphosis is still on-going now :)

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