Career & Education
How many weeks in a year? (And why some people get 13th month bonuses)
By Financial Freedom  •  January 27, 2016
Well, a simple question that many people have is how many weeks are there in a year. The simple answer is there are 52 weeks in a year. Of course, we are not trying to be exact here since we know 52 multiplied by 7 only gives you 364 days instead of 365 days. But is there a way to remember that there are 52 weeks quickly? Well, let me teach you a way that I remember this fact. See, in the past, people were paid daily or weekly wages and so their monthly salary was based on 4 weeks. However, being paid in this manner means you only get paid for 48 weeks of work in one year. That means you have been shortchanged by one entire month of work (or 4 weeks of work) where you are not paid. And that is where the 13th month bonus kicks ......
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By Financial Freedom

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