Side Hustle
False Promises Of Passive Online Income
By Turtle Investor  •  March 3, 2016

Psst – want to make extra income online?

Sorry Jared, I stole your line. I simply couldn’t resist it. I mean, such old school click bait strategy LOL! Not matter if it is Singapore or anywhere else in the world, everyone wants to earn passive income online. So much fun that I decide to make a post out of it. SMOL, see what you did now!

Instead of the usual pitch that internet marketers make e.g. shout “get rich quick for free”, everyone can do it, remind you of how life sucks, bombardment of success stories and testimonials etc, how about I do this in reverse order and fast forward through all the feel-good bullshit and see whether you will still take the bait?

Let’s Get Rich Quick?

Rise and shine! Waking up at 6:35am, that’s what champions are made of, isn’t it?

We start our day early. First ...

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By Turtle Investor
Hello there! I am Kevin and the author behind the Turtle Investor blog. At age 37, I hit CPF Full Retirement Sum (FRS) of $176,000 on the last day of 2019, twelve years after graduating from university. I am married and owns a 4-room apartment. I continue to be gainfully employed to build up my portfolio and provide my loved ones with better lives. Leaving everything behind and transitioning to a digital nomad life in Bali remains an option but not something that I’m actively pursuing now 🙂

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