Our Story Influences Our Reality
By Master Plan 2029  •  May 29, 2016
I would like to share an enlightening passage from a book titled "The Secret Language of Money‒- How to Make Smarter Decisions and Live a Richer Life".  The author is David Krueger.


Two anthropologists were chosen to enter separate, essentially identical ape colonies to live and observe for a year.  The two men were matched for similarities of personality, philosophy, and education, in order to be as alike as possible. When they emerged a year later to compare notes, they naturally expected that they would have had similar experiences.  Instead, they found remarkable discrepancies. After an initial period of transition, the first anthropologist had been accepted by the apes as one of their own and integrated into the colony.  During his year, he had experienced an extraordinary level of unity and comfort within the ape community. The other anthropologist, by contrast, ......
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By Master Plan 2029

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