Market Review and Trends
Demographics Trends and Investing – A case of the “ Land of Rising Sun “
By STE's Stocks Investing Journey  •  November 5, 2016
A report compiled with the Japanese government’s co-operation few years ago warned that by 2060 the number of Japanese will have fallen from 127 m to about 87 m, of whom almost 40% will be 65 or older. The 2012 government report said that without policy change, by 2110 the number of Japanese could fall to 42.9 m, i.e just a third of its current population. Japan's population had shrunk by almost 1 million people in five years. The country lost 947,345 people – more than the population of San Francisco – between 2010 and 2015. The decline of 0.7% to 127.1 million has been predicted by the government annually but the new statistics confirm the trend. It is an indication that as the nation gets older, and people have fewer babies at a later age, a demographic crisis is looming. Japan has been worrying for a while now about whether its population may one day become extinct. In 2006, the Japanese National Institute of Population and Social Security Research ......
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By STE's Stocks Investing Journey
Hi Everyone ! is me STE, I would like to start a blog to pen down and document my thoughts on stocks investing and also “talking to myself “ on some issues relating to investing ideas / world . I will try not to mention any particular stock in my blog post as it is very hard to do any “prediction or forecast “ of future or stock's movement and also this may attract unnecessary dispute / incident if anything goes wrong .. I will be using more graphic / chart / table / quotes to explain my thought and ideas as “ pictures worth more than thousand words “ ,, the most important things is …I don’t really good in explaining things in words.. haha .

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One response to “Demographics Trends and Investing – A case of the “ Land of Rising Sun “”

  1. Fred says:

    Yes, the decreasing population of Japan has caused a slump in property prices there. It is a forerunner of what can happen to Singapore if our policy-makers orchestrate wrongly. The decades of xenophobia by the Japanese of foreigners in Japan contributed to its decline, and in the distance future; demise.
    Singapore being much, much smaller will perish quicker unless we take actions now.

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