What is Brave Browser and Why You Should Use It
By The Babylonians  •  November 3, 2019

I have switched from using Chrome to Brave browser since April 2019. This article will explain what the new brave browser is and why you should use it. Downloading Brave is free and the best part? You are being paid for your attention to view ads.

Overview of Brave Browser

In short, Brave is a new blockchain browser that blocks all the annoying ads and trackers to improve privacy, security and speed. It is founded by Brendan Eich, who is also the creator of Javascript and co-founder of Mozilla Firefox. This is the website browser component.

The second component is BAT or Basic Attention Token. BAT is an ERC-20 token that is built on the ethereum network. It is a cryptocurrency and it can be bought or sold on crypto exchanges. It has value and the price of BAT at time of writing is worth about US$0.26.

So what is the relationship between BAT

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By The Babylonians
The Babylonians is a personal financial blog inspired by a book titled “The Richest Man in Babylon”. This blog shares insightful and educational content on investing across 3 asset classes: Stocks, REITs and Crypto. The motivation behind The Babylonians is to help the average Joe (using myself as a test subject) escape from the rat race through following certain laws and principles of wealth.

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