10 Cost Saving Tips While Saving The Environment (Giveaway!)
By The Kiam Siap Life  •  June 15, 2020
     Some of us would have seen this image from Bloomberg floating around this past week. And while this graph is measured in terms of per capita (hence quite an inaccurate measurement by just looking at the image), it doesn’t discount the fact that 1400kg of waste is still immensely sizeable. Many would think that saving the environment would cost more money and resources, but in fact, there are many ways to cut our consumption and reduces our spending instead. We started a one-year green effort plan with KAIA, a passionate group of people to innovate solutions for the environment, to reduce our carbon footprint.

Here are 10 tips we have adopted and we hope you can do, to save costs and save the environment! (Read till the end for a giveaway!)

1. Save Electricity

“Use the toilet, don’t know how to switch off the light....
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By The Kiam Siap Life
As millennials ourselves, we always dream of achieving financial freedom through the fastest possible way but DO NOT know the ways and means to. While we do not claim to have been there, done that and share with you the “secrets” of unlocking financial freedom, (many paid workshops out there can help you with that. Not sure how many of them are actually millionaires right now *snickers*) we are here to help you.

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