After recent posts on SREITs analysis, there is 1 question comes into my mind: is REIT analysis really necessary? This is a question, (or rather a statement) in which two experienced investors (also bloggers) told me straight to my face a few years ago. I can still remember clearly the key comments as below:i ) Why do you have to study so detail for REIT?ii) No one research REIT in a detailed way like you, which is not required.iii) REIT is ONLY for dividend, if you accept the yield, just buy it. And THAT IS IT.iv) You are spending (wasting) too much time in REIT analysis, which is NOT necessary.They may not remember what they've said, but I do. I did not voice out to defend my view then, because I know by doing so would only reinforce their view. From their extremely confident way of speaking, the capital gain...