Why CPF Accrued Interest on your Housing loan might actually be good
By Value Warrior  •  July 5, 2020
The CPF Accrued Interest on your Housing loan has been a problem for many people for a very long time. The most common complaint is why do I have to pay interest when I am using MY OWN MONEY. I guess it is understandable why many people are unhappy with the government trying to micro-manage people finance. However, Accrued Interest might actually not be a bad thing. Here are some of the reasons why your CPF Accrued Interest can be good for you (and no… CPF did not pay me to write this) First and foremost, if the selling price (including the option monies) after paying the outstanding housing loan is not enough to fully refund the CPF principal amount withdrawn together with the accrued interest, you do not DO NOT need to top up the shortfall in cash, provided the property is sold at market value. The...
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By Value Warrior
A regular working Joe starting out his value investing journey. I started my investment journey late at the age of 34. Looking back i wish i had started earlier so that power of compounding can work its magic. Nevertheless a good time to start investing is always NOW!!! So here i am having started this journey, i planned to reach Financial independence at age 65. Wish me luck.

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