Personal Finance
Beginner’s Journey: Savings
By Taby  •  August 19, 2020
Not enough to save? Often, one may attribute a lack of saving to insufficient allowance in the first place. But this may not be true- are you just simply spending too much unnecessarily? Savings is linked to expenses and it is important to keep track of our expenses. Check out our article with regards to tracking expenses here. By tracking your expenses, you can take into perspective exactly where and how much you are spending. This way, you can easily start to save more. Importance of saving Often we hear our parents telling us to save, however, we tend to take their advice with a pinch of salt. But how important is putting money aside exactly? Saving is important to understand the value of money; to be able to afford something in the future, and to ensure that one will have a backup plan if any emergency happens. Saving also gives...
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By Taby
Taby was started by Jun Yi and Ann Qi in Stockholm under the NUS Overseas colleges, an enterprise arm of the university. During our stint in Sweden, we observed an increasing trend of card and digital payments in Stockholm and across Europe. Further research led us to uncover the prevalence of this wave of payment methods in the U.S. and parts of Asia across different types of markets. Both of us quickly saw the opportunity of this application in the teens market and we decided to form a team consisting of 4 NUS students to make it a reality.

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