The Stacked Guide To Property Tax And Stamp Duties
By Stacked Homes  •  August 30, 2020
Many first-time home owners overestimate the price of their first property. It’s probably due to constant conditioning over social media, news, etc. that remind you how “Singapore is the world’s most expensive city”, etc. But here’s the bit that’s often overlooked: Singapore is low tax when it comes to property. There’s no capital gains tax (at least not after the first three years), recurring taxes are among the lowest in the region for owner-occupied homes, and there’s no inheritance tax. All of this tends to get overlooked however, because buyers get confused by the different taxes, stamp duties, and the conditions in which they apply. To provide some clarity, here’s a run-down on all the facts you need to know: The stamp duties payable when buying property 
  1. Buyers Stamp Duty (BSD)
The BSD is payable on any property purchase (HDB or private) via:...
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By Stacked Homes
The Stacked Homes editorial began in February 2017 to provide the latest news and analysis on property in Singapore.

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