Can New Launches Raise the Prices of Older Condos Nearby?
By Stacked Homes  •  August 31, 2020
It happens to every property owner at some point: you look out the window, and see that a massive crane is now obstructing your expensive/expansive view. Along with the drilling noises and dust, it slowly sinks in: the land plot next door is being taken by a newer, fancier condo. Complain about this, and you might hear an old spiel: at least new condos are priced higher, so there’ll be a knock-on effect as older properties go up in price too. This is one of those things that’s commonly believed, but seldom looked at closely. Out of curiosity, we decided to look at how the values of surrounding properties have moved, since a new launch appeared in the same area. Will a new, higher priced launch also pull up overall prices of older units? Some notes on our comparison We will pick some of the popular new launches from 2017, instead of immediate new launches...
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By Stacked Homes
The Stacked Homes editorial began in February 2017 to provide the latest news and analysis on property in Singapore.

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