IWDA vs SWRD – What’s The Difference?
By Financially Independent Pharmacist  •  November 2, 2020

Last updated on June 6th, 2021

You’ve seen many people advising you to invest in the IWDA. It is one of the most globally diversified ETFs out there. However, you also chanced upon the SWRD ETF, and it looks exactly the same as the IWDA! How are these 2 ETFs different and which one should you choose? Here’s a comparison between them.


IWDA and SWRD are similar ETFs which track the MSCI World Index. They are managed by different fund managers, and differ slightly from each other. IWDA has both a higher expense ratio and liquidity. SWRD which is the newer fund, has both a lower expense ratio and liquidity. In the end, investing in either ETF will not really make much of a difference.

Both ETFs are managed by different companies

IWDA is managed by iShares, while SWRD is managed by SPDR....
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By Financially Independent Pharmacist
I’m a current Pharmacy undergraduate in NUS who is passionate about personal finance. I strongly advocate everyone to become more financially literate. Personal finance is such an important skill, yet it is not being taught in schools.

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