Christmas Promo – Massive Discount on Investment Courses!
By Financial Horse  •  December 5, 2020
Happy December everyone! It’s an interesting Christmas for all of us this year where none of us will be able to leave Singapore. And… most of us have a ton of leave to clear. So why not take some time, and properly learn about investing? 2021 is going to be a massive year for investing (I don’t believe it’s as straightforward as markets are pricing in). And to coincide, we’re running a massive Christmas Promo the entire month of December. So take the time out to do your homework, and be ready to deploy your capital in 2021! What is the Christmas Promo? We’re doing a massive discount for both Courses:
  • The FH Course price will drop from S$600 to S$499 (due to popular demand, we’re pricing in SGD now to avoid FX conversion fees for you).
  • The REITs MasterClass price will drop from S$850 to S$699 (SGD).
On top of that, we’re likely to be increasing prices in 2021. So buy now to protect against any future price increases!...
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By Financial Horse
Financial Horse was founded with a simple goal – To provide high quality financial commentary, in plain English. He is a firm believer in Einstein’s quote that “If you can’t explain it to six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” Too much of finance is shrouded in complex jargon, and Financial Horse aims to demystify financial investments.

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