Portfolio Transactions (August 2021)
By Azrael's Financial Cents  •  September 2, 2021
Every thing in life seems to be stalled for now. At my work, I will be getting a change in environment, so looking forward to it. For my side project, due to the pandemic, a machine I wish to purchase or its similar alternatives have been out of stock or pricier since a year or two ago.
  • No transactions for the month of August
    • Reasons
      • There are ideas in the HK market right now but due to the lack of cash, all I can do is to watch it sadly.\
That's all for my money for now. I have place a small % of my net worth in crypto-assets. Conclusion My portfolio YTD is now 59.71%, with the long term XIRR at 12.39%, meeting VT's performance, but that's probably due to balance transfers (leverage)....
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By Azrael's Financial Cents
Azrael is the author behind Azrael's Financial Cents, a personal diary of his journey towards Financial Freedom. Hopefully, while sharing his experience, he can help his readers and better himself too.

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