What is the deal with Bitcoin Maxis?
By Side Hustle Rich  •  February 21, 2022
Okay Okay, calm down boys. I know you’re all sharpening your knives and laying ambush in the comments section. Hear me out. I love Bitcoin. I hold Bitcoin. But I don’t understand folks bashing EVERYTHING ELSE and advocating holding ONLY Bitcoin. Some of these bitcoin maxis are so much, that they advocate not just holding only bitcoin amongst all crypto, but across ALL stores of value, as if with the invention of Bitcoin, it automatically invalidates all other stores of value / investment / savings vehicle. What is Bitcoin? We’ve established that bitcoin can be many things to many people. To some, it is very simply, money. Cash, to transact and transfer ownership over items. To others, it is a savings vehicle, the likes of which we’ve never seen before, if we track its meteoric rise in value from 2009....
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By Side Hustle Rich
I’m Richard, creator of SideHustleRich. I created this site to journal my experiments, experiences and thoughts on working up multiple streams of income, in an attempt to achieve financial independence. I’m a happily married man and a father to two young boys. I don’t believe in working until i’m 65, maybe enjoy 5 years of retirement before starting to ache all over from basically growing old and tired.

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