My Stock Portfolio

My Crypto Portfolio

Not Your Keys, Not Your CoinsMy Crypto portfolio is currently in the red at -52.22%. My strategy going forward is to purchase SGD 25 of BTC and SGD 25 of ETH each week. That works out to 25 weeks x SGD 50 = SGD 1,250 till the end of the year. I will be purchasing from Gemini and will move it to my hardware wallet once it reach SGD 200 worth. I have also tweaked the way of tracking my Crypto returns. Instead of tracking each transactions, I will dedicate a bank account just for Crypto and track my returns base on current Crypto holdings plus the money in that bank account.
My Robo Portfolio My Sweetheart and I (Endowus) Start Date: Jun 2020 Allocation: 60% Equities, 40% Bonds Gain / Loss: -6.7% There has been much discussion comparing the various Robo. I have both the Endowus and MoneyOwl (refer to My Little One portfolio below) for an almost apple to apple comparison ant the performance are almost similar. I believe once the market recover, the returns will also be similar plus minus a few percentage points. I doubt you will see any Robo outperform the other by double digits percentage points. It will be interesting to see how many Robo will remain after this. If safety is important go for Robo under the banks e.g. DBS, OCBC not because I own their stocks but because banks are heavily regulated and is unlikely to just disappear with the money. Let's Beat CPF (Endowus) Start Date: Jun 2020 Allocation: 80% Equities, 20% Bonds Investment Amount: $5,000 lump sum from CPF-OA Gain/Loss: +14.27% Interestingly, my lump-sum investment is still in the green. I wonder how long this will last though.
My Little One Portfolio

A look back on last quarter Invest Dec '21: Only look to add into existing portfolio only Mar '22: On track. Added UOB in Jan Jun '22: On track. Added UOB in Apr and Astrea 7 in May Dec '21: Load stocks with > 5% forward dividend - since banks has a positive correlation with Crypto, if forward dividend is almost similar, prioritise REITS over Banks. Mar '22: I will change to prioritise Banks over REITS because REITS have either been consolidating or issuing more rights. Jun '22: No change Mar '22: Instead of buying Metaverse Stock or ETF, I have purchased Crypto directly related to the Metaverse e.g. MANA, SAND and YGG. Jun '22: Stop buying Alt coins. Only buy SGD 25 of BTC and SGD 25 of ETH every week until the end of the year. Dec '21: Refrain from buying more China Tech as there are no dividends Mar '22: On track. Positive news from the regulatory front and I hope the worse is over. Jun '22: On track. More positive news but recovery is still slow due to worsening global factors. Dec '21: Portfolio rule of no more than 20% for a single stock still apply - Stocks and Crypto only – exclude Robo and CPF. Mar '22: Currently Crypto makes up 22.18% and I am trying to resist adding more. I will limit myself to USD1,000 until my next portfolio review in Jul 2022. Jun '22: Portfolio is now just 5% of my entire portfolio. I have revised my allocation to no more than 10% of my entire portfolio. Dec '21: Dividend Stocks to make up at leas 50% of the portfolio – I am looking at Cash dividends only, hence Crypto Farming/Yielding is excluded. Mar '22: On track. Banks, REITS and Trust currently make up 66.81%. Jun '22: On track. Due to the crypto crash, the proportion of dividend stocks is even higher. Personal Finance Mar '22: Convincing my wife to invest rather than in Insurance Savings Jun '22: Fortunately I failed else she will be looking at me for her loses. I will convince her to buy SSB instead. First step, open a CDP account under her own name. Blog Some problems aggregating videos. I will try to fix this this quarter. Learning Google Digital Garage – Fundamentals of Digital Garage Still on hold. Crypto Still listening to Coin Bureau YouTube channel.
Photo by D koi on Unsplash
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Hi abc,
Thanks for dropping by. I am actually a paid subscriber of both MS Office and OneDrive. However, my wife is only comfortable with Google Sheets. She refuse to have MS Excel on her iphone or Macbook. ;)