Should I (Really) Invest My CPF? (Part 1)
By The Bedokian Portfolio  •  January 7, 2023

This is a two-parter. Part 1 (this post) deals with the general information and other considerations of investing one’s CPF. Part 2 deals with my personal circumstances and decisions while investing my CPF.

Frankly, when this question was asked, I could not give a definitive answer as each one of our financial situations and goals with regards to CPF is different. Furthermore, it is an oxymoron to ask the question to an outsider, knowing that deep inside oneself the answer is there.


So, should you really invest your CPF? Read on to see if you can find the answer.


What Is My Risk Profile?


This answer is unique to everyone as all of us have different risk appetites and tolerances. While there are numerous questionnaires available on gauging one’s risk profile, I would boil down to just two main questions to ask oneself.


The first question

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By The Bedokian Portfolio
My first encounter with the financial markets started in the aftermath of the 2008/2009 Global Financial Crisis. Before this, I had no notion of what investment and trading were, although I had learned about economics, business management and accounting back in my university studies. I was a trader when I first started, albeit an amateurish one, and trading was just a side hobby of mine ...

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