Living paycheck to paycheck sure isn’t easy. It means you are always running out of money, or scrambling to make ends meet until your next paycheck arrives. This leaves little room for the curveballs that life may throw at you, including medical emergencies, accidents, and other unexpected fees that could jeopardise your bank account.
If you’re guilty of that, you are not alone. However, this is probably not a situation you want to remain in.
1. Set a goal to work towards
To change your habits, you must have a strong reason. Start by motivating yourself with a long-term goal. Are you getting married soon? Purchasing a place? Or trying to retire by the age of 40? Use these situations to set a goal for you to strive towards. In order to achieve that goal, you will have to start saving up today. While these lifestyle changes may seem insignificant at first, small...