Case Study: Examining the Potential Risks of Investing in AI
By The Moss Piglet  •  June 1, 2023
Just in today, a statement issued by leading names in AI, emphasizing the need to mitigate the risk of extinction from AI. The statement raises important questions about the responsibility of AI scientists and the role of governments in ensuring the safe development and deployment of AI technologies. While it may seem logical to assume that AI scientists are best positioned to prevent AI from causing harm, the reality is more complex. AI scientists, despite their expertise, recognize the need for external oversight and regulation to address potential risks. They acknowledge that unchecked competitive pressures could lead to unintended consequences and undesirable outcomes. The call for global coordination reflects the recognition that AI development is a global phenomenon that requires a collective effort. It highlights the challenges of regulating a rapidly evolving technology that transcends national borders. However, as the article rightly points out, achieving global coordination on AI regulation...
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By The Moss Piglet
This blog is named after the world’s most indestructible creature – the moss piglet, or also known as tardigrades. These microscopic animals are even more hardier than cockroaches and will continue to thrive for billions of years. The reason why this microbeast is chosen to represent this blog is that we aim to create a resilient investment portfolio for all stages of the economic cycle.

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