Acesian Partners (SGX:5FW) – Undervalued at EV/Earnings Ratio = 1
By The Moss Piglet  •  June 12, 2023
Total revenue was $38.17 million, an increase of 157% year-over-year. Earnings per share 1.6cts, up 321% year over year from 0.38cts. Cash holdings at $18.5m, against a market cap of $25.6m. Enterprise Value of $7.99m, Acesian Partners is trading close to EV/E x 1 Company is looking for ways to diversify and invest their cash hoard.

Company Overview

Acesian Partners Limited, formerly known as Linair Technologies Limited, was established in Singapore in 1998. As a versatile organization, Acesian operates as a comprehensive provider of environmental solutions and integrated services across various industries. These industries encompass semiconductor, healthcare, electric vehicle battery, wastewater treatment, chemical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnological sectors. The Company achieved a successful listing on the SGX Sesdaq (now known as Catalist) in February 2005, further solidifying its presence and recognition in the market.

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By The Moss Piglet
This blog is named after the world’s most indestructible creature – the moss piglet, or also known as tardigrades. These microscopic animals are even more hardier than cockroaches and will continue to thrive for billions of years. The reason why this microbeast is chosen to represent this blog is that we aim to create a resilient investment portfolio for all stages of the economic cycle.

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