OKP Holdings (SGX:5CF) – Getting Back on its Feet
By The Moss Piglet  •  September 16, 2023
OKP Holdings has faced difficulties in the past due to the fatal accident at their project in 2017. With respect to the accident, OKP succeeded in the Arbitration against the design consultant and awarded S$43,792,421.96. Also with respect to the accident, they were not actively pursuing government tenders from 2017-2020. Unlike majority of Singapore’s construction industry, they avoided executing projects that were badly affected by cost increases arising from the pandemic. OKP has regained momentum in new contract wins worth $384.5mil since Nov 2022. It has been a long time since I covered OKP Holdings (SGX:5CF). In fact, it was 2019 when I believed that they have the ability to overcome their difficulties. With the dust settled behind them and armed with a huge cash holdings, they are getting back on its feet.

A Recap

In 2017, there was an accident at their project where an uncompleted viaduct along...
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By The Moss Piglet
This blog is named after the world’s most indestructible creature – the moss piglet, or also known as tardigrades. These microscopic animals are even more hardier than cockroaches and will continue to thrive for billions of years. The reason why this microbeast is chosen to represent this blog is that we aim to create a resilient investment portfolio for all stages of the economic cycle.

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