A Singapore Treasury Bill issue (BS24116E) will be auctioned on Thursday, 29th August 2024.
If you wish to subscribe successfully, you must place your order via Internet banking (Cash, SRS, CPF-OA, CPF-SA) or in person (CPF) by 28th August. Singaporeans, PR, and non-Singaporeans can all buy these Singapore Treasury Bills.
You can view the details at MAS here.
In the past, I have shared with you the virtues of the Singapore T-bills, their ideal uses, and how to subscribe to them here: How to Buy Singapore 6-Month Treasury Bills (T-Bills) or 1-Year SGS Bonds.
The Tbill cut-off yield in the last auction is 3.34%.
If you select a non-competitive bid, you may be pro-rated the amount you bid and would yield 3.34%. If you would like to ensure you secured all that you bid, it will be better to select a competitive bid, but you need to get your bid right.
Some past non-competitive auctions were pro-rated. Here are some past examples:...