Singapore Stock Screening
By My Sweet Retirement  •  September 30, 2024
Singapore Stock screening is the process of filtering a large number of stocks based on specific criteria to identify potential investment opportunities. Investors use stock screening tools to narrow down the universe of stocks to those that meet their individual investment goals and risk tolerance. Common criteria for screening include market capitalization, industry sector, price-to-earnings ratio, dividend yield, and growth projections. By utilizing stock screening, investors can efficiently identify stocks that align with their investment strategy and make informed decisions on where to allocate their capital. What are some the Benefits of Stock Screening? Stock screening can be a valuable tool for investors looking to make informed decisions about which stocks to buy. By using specific criteria, such as industry sector, market capitalization, or financial ratios, investors can quickly narrow down their options and focus on companies that meet their investment objectives. This can help save time and effort in the research
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By My Sweet Retirement
I am a working salaried professional in my mid 30s. Just like most Singaporeans, I worked long office working hours, often trying very hard to find some work life balance. The Sweet Retirement Blog was created to share my journey towards achieving a comfortable retirement life. I believe we cannot simply rely solely on our Central Provident Fund savings when reaching old age. Neither can we rely solely on our bank savings as we all know the interest rates cannot beat inflation.

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