Hey savvy investors, welcome back to ‘The Dividend Uncle’! Today, I have a crucial message for all of you who are thinking about, or already investing in, REIT ETFs. This video is not only for those who rely solely on REIT ETFs for passive income and diversification but also for those who, like me, use REIT ETFs as a supplement to their portfolio of individual REITs.
But before you assume this is just another discussion on the pros and cons of REIT ETFs versus individual REITs, let me get straight to the point: after investing in a REIT ETF myself, I uncovered something shocking that made me completely rethink my strategy. I found a better alternative that I’ve since switched to, and in today’s video, I’ll explain exactly why. As always, I’m here to share my mistakes, so you won’t have to make them yourself!
Please do not treat any content to be financial advice. "The Dividend Uncle" channel aim to provide content for educational and entertainment purposes only. I am vested in the REITs/ shares discussed in this video.
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