Shares & Derivatives
Is OCBC cheap at $15.32?
By Live Rich Life Free  •  October 27, 2024
Over the past decades, OCBC Bank (OCBC SGX:O39) has demonstrated remarkable resilience and financial strength, navigating economic challenges with aplomb. Despite its robust performance, the stock's valuation has remained relatively subdued compared to its peers and historical averages. Even after hitting all-time high at above $15.40, there is still an intriguing question: Is OCBC currently over, fairly or undervalued, presenting a compelling investment opportunity? Fundamental Strength and Resilience OCBC's strong financial foundation is a cornerstone of its investment appeal. The bank boasts a healthy capital adequacy ratio, well above regulatory requirements, ensuring its stability and ability to absorb potential shocks. Moreover, OCBC has consistently maintained a low non-performing loan (NPL) ratio of 1%, reflecting prudent risk management practices and a high-quality loan portfolio. The bank's diversified business model, spanning across multiple geographies and product lines, further enhances its resilience. OCBC's presence in key Asian markets, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Greater China, provides a balanced exposure to diverse economic cycles....
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By Live Rich Life Free
The purpose of this blog is for me to share my reinventions of how life should be lived and journal my journey towards financial independence. I believe that life is a story book. Each chapter contains 10 years of our lives. I am moving on towards mid 30s in 2021. As a nobody but somebody, I am in Chapter 4 of my story book. I hope to influence my philosophy of living a rich life freely and healthily with all of you. Embrace the future and empower freedom!

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