What we learnt from our dialogue with European S-REITs
By Beansprout  •  December 12, 2024
As European central banks signal potential interest rate cuts and early signs of stabilisation emerge in the European real estate market, it's natural to wonder how these developments might affect Singapore REITs with European exposure. To dive deeper into this topic, we recently hosted the webinar SGX Discovery Series with Beansprout: Navigating the Landscape of European S-REITs. The session featured insights from key players in the sector, including Cromwell European REIT, IREIT Global, and Elite UK REIT, alongside a thorough analysis of the European real estate market. We discussed the key factors influencing performance, the potential impact of interest rate cuts, and took a closer look at how individual European S-REITs are positioning themselves in this evolving landscape. For those who were unable to attend, here’s the recording of the session.

Transcript of "SGX Discovery Series: Navigating the Landscape of European S-REITs"

Summary European central banks have started cutting interest rates with easing inflation.Real estate...
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By Beansprout
Hi, I’m Gerald! I have been working in investment analysis for more than 12 years. Often, I encounter everyday investors who find it difficult to invest. At Beansprout, we believe that with the right tools and knowledge, everyone can be an investor. Hence, we founded Beansprout to make quality investment insights more accessible. We hope that you can join us on this journey to grow your financial knowledge and confidence as an investor.

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