Journey To Retirement Part 12.1 — Kep DC Reit
By ccloh Strategic Investor Zone  •  December 15, 2024
Year 2024 is a landmark for Kep DC Reit investment.  It marks a decade of holding for this investment.  This is the 8th stock after Genting Singapore, First Reit, SingPost, CapitaMall Trust, SIA, Kep Corp and MapletreeInd Trust that I've held.  While the like of Genting Singapore, First Reit, SingPost, SIA and Kep Corp have all being divested, Kep DC Reit remains invested along CapitaMall Trust and MapletreeInd Trust.  Similar to MapletreeInd Trust, am a Day 1 investor for Kep DC Reit.   Vested during its IPO at $0.93/unit which was listed on 12th Dec 2014 at Singapore Exchange.

Still can clearly recalled back in 2014 when Kep DC Reit was launching the IPO came across a blogger recommending a no-go for this IPO based on financial ratio comparison with another data center reit.  However, I was pretty clear and straight forward Kep DC Reit was for me.  To put it straight,
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By ccloh Strategic Investor Zone
Am a typical retail investor who started investing in stock market in 1993, the same length of period as SingTel was listed in SGX and ironically SingTel was my first vested stock. Back then was a passive investor and started to turn more active in stock market in 2006. A year later when I switched my engineering job to a finance related one, I became what commonly known as trader ( trade for living ) and at the same time also strongly believe in fundamental/value investing that is the way to growth wealth. In a way I classify myself as a "Strategic Investor". As a trader, I track market movement daily and as an value investor, I am always on the lookout for cheap bargain to hold for long term.

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