Touring A Little-Known Affordable Landed Estate Near Bedok Reservoir (From $2.85m)
By Stacked Homes  •  January 19, 2025
One thing you may have noticed when visiting landed estates in Singapore is the penchant for redeveloping older houses and re-building them as high as possible – no surprise in land-scarce Singapore. Hence, when I saw that there was a little-known landed estate in Singapore that was zoned as 1.4 on the Masterplan (i.e., being able to build up to 5 stories), I thought it would be an interesting feature. Here’s a screenshot of Google Maps to see where we’re heading today (Jalan Singa and Jalan Punai). As you may have noticed, the landed estate is just off Bedok Reservoir Road and has two green parks next to it. One thing not immediately noticeable on the map is that the turning for vehicles (off Bedok Reservoir Road) in/out of the estate is quite abrupt and slightly confusing. And here’s the masterplan, showing the 1.4 zoning. (Note that only 1 of the green spaces has been zoned as a park.)...
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By Stacked Homes
The Stacked Homes editorial began in February 2017 to provide the latest news and analysis on property in Singapore.

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