Shares & Derivatives
Sabana Industrial REIT’s 2H FY24 Review
By REIT-TIREMENT  •  January 22, 2025

Basic Profile & Key Statistics

Key Indicators

Performance Highlight

Gross revenue and NPI improved YoY, driven by positive rental reversions across the portfolio. Total income available for distribution also increased, supported by higher NPI and lower expenses related to internalization, despite a rise in finance costs. Additionally, the total distribution amount declared saw a higher proportion due to lower retention compared to the previous year.

Rental Reversion

The rental reversion for 3Q and 4Q stands at 9.7% and 27.1%, respectively. Notably, Sabana has achieved positive rental reversions for 16 consecutive quarters.

Asset Enhancement Initiative

Multiple AEIs are being carried out across the portfolio.
Related Parties Shareholding
REIT Sponsor's Shareholding: Less FavorableREIT Manager's Shareholding: Less FavorableDirectors of REIT Manager's Shareholding: Less Favorable
Lease Profile
Occupancy: Less FavorableWALE: Less Less FavorableHighest Lease Expiry in 4 Years: Less FavorableWeighted Average Land Lease Expiry: Less Favorable
Debt Profile
Gearing Ratio: ModerateCost of Debt: ModerateFixed Rate Debt %: ModerateUnsecured Debt %: FavorableWADM: Less ModerateHighest
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I am Vince and welcome to my blog. I started this blog on 1st January 2019. Since the start of my investment journey, I have been fond of REITs because of its dividends. REITs allowed you to become a property landlord and get rental income without having to fork out large sum of initial capital, look out for tenant as well as manage the properties ...

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