Here is a safe way for Singaporeans to save money that you have no idea when will need to use or for your emergency fund.
The 10-yr and 1-yr Singapore Savings Bonds rates since the first issue in Oct 2015
The March 2025 SSB bonds yield an interest rate of 2.97%/yr for the next ten years. You can apply through ATM or Internet Banking via the three banks (UOB, OCBC, DBS)
However, if you only hold the SSB bonds for one year, with two semi-annual payments, your interest rate is 2.83%/yr.
The one-year SSB yield seems to be heading down, showing a less flat curve.
$10,000 will grow to $12,981 in 10 years.
The Singapore Government backs this bond, which you can invest in if you have a CDP or SRS account (this includes Singapore Permanent Residents and Foreigners).
A single person can own not more than SG$200,000 worth of Singapore Savings Bonds. You can also use your Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) account...