My Market Transactions — Wk5 2021
By Life is a journey  •  February 1, 2021
Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash Dear Readers, Thank you for coming here! Another update on my transactions in the past week. Last week, the market was pretty much in the Red. And the GME episode and especially the reactions from Wall Street were just hilarious! It is incredible to see so many opportunities floating around all the time. I can only blame my lack of capabilities to capture them. Anyway, let’s get back to reality. Over the past week, I made the following transactions: Capital injection: ~15KSGD 1.Nvidia Nvidia technology is no doubt in the lead. I have purchased 4 Nvidia graphic cards directly and indirectly since I started to use computers. I could still recall the time in 2017/18 when Nvidia mid-high end cards were selling at a premium due to the demand for mining. That price hike pushed my plan for building a...
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By Life is a journey
A white-collar and a father of 2, who would like to share his journey to Financial Freedom for both his own record keeping and hopefully inspiration for others on the same journey.

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