STI Outlook – As of 7th February 2021
By Loopholes Singapore  •  February 6, 2021
After the sudden retracement, what’s next? Out of a sudden, vaccine news and new virus outbreaks are temporarily muted while the whole world’s attention turned to Myanmar’s Military coup. Evidently, the pandemic has led to many issues even within some governments. Without the presence of a strong government, the country and economy will cease being stable and affect all citizens and trade partners. After last week’s shift of attention from the economy, we should be expecting financial reports to be the main topic discussed moving forward. Also with the 1.9 Trillion dollar bill passed by the Senate, we should be expecting another bull run once approved by the House of Congress, as the market as the global stock markets continue to benefit from the excess liquidity. STI – Updated Daily Chart STI still filling up the gap formed during the early days of the crisis The...
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By Loopholes Singapore

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