5 levels of crypto investing
By Dr Wealth  •  March 17, 2022
I’ve been investing in cryptocurrencies for the past four years, although it feels so much longer with all the recent advancements and improvements in the crypto space. I would like to help you understand where you are with regards to crypto investing, based on different levels. I’ll let you figure out where you are at and what you should be looking for to hit the next level for progression: Level 0 We all start out at level 0, also known as “no-coiners”. No one starts their investing or approach finance by jumping straight into crypto, at least not yet. When you think about money, centralized systems are your main exposure. I started here four years ago, and so does everyone else, we all start off at level 0. To take the first step into cryptocurrency, you may want to read about what Bitcoin is, the fundamentals of blockchain and explore how you can set up an account on a crypto exchange....
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By Dr Wealth
Dr Wealth provides trusted financial education to individuals. We teach researched and actionable investment methods so that our graduates are successful in their investment journey and achieve market-beating returns.

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