Singapore 6-month T-bill interest rate reached 2.99% per annum!
By Beansprout  •  September 1, 2022
The Singapore 6-month Treasury-bill (T-bill) is our preferred option to park our spare cash as the interest rate is hard to beat. What happened?  There was something that got our Telegram community excited today. No, they were not talking about the increase in interest rates by on OCBC 360 or UOB One. Neither were they talking about the launch of GXS digital bank by Grab and Singtel, or Trust bank by Stanchart and NTUC. Instead, many were cheering the allotment result of the latest Singapore 6-month Treasury-bill (T-bill). Investors who subscribed to the Singapore 6-month T-bill in the 1 September auction will receive a yield of 2.99% per annum.  More importantly, compared to the Singapore Savings Bonds (SSB) where investors were only allotted up to a maximum limit of S$13,500 in the latest auction, 100% of applicants who submitted non-competitive bids for the 6-month T-bill received full allocation! Source: MAS What we learnt from the Singapore 6-month T-bill allotment result...
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By Beansprout
Hi, I’m Gerald! I have been working in investment analysis for more than 12 years. Often, I encounter everyday investors who find it difficult to invest. At Beansprout, we believe that with the right tools and knowledge, everyone can be an investor. Hence, we founded Beansprout to make quality investment insights more accessible. We hope that you can join us on this journey to grow your financial knowledge and confidence as an investor.

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