Personal Finance
Cost Guide to Starting Your Own Business in Singapore
By ValueChampion  •  June 30, 2023
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Singapore may be a tiny red dot on the world map but its well-developed infrastructure and robust economy and skilled workforce made it the perfect place for those who are honing their entrepreneurship skills and ready to make their business ideas come to life. Just look at the growing number of SMEs in Singapore and it is not hard to figure out how easy it is to set up an enterprise here.
number of SMEs in Singapore
Source: Department of Statistics, Singapore

Related: Entrepreneurs’ Guide to SME Grants in Singapore (2023)

If starting your own business has always been your dream, this blog may provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to be an entrepreneur and the cost you must be prepared to bear.
business structure singapore
Source: Unsplash

Step #1: Choose a Business Structure

Whether you are starting a business in...
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By ValueChampion
We distill sprawling marketplaces—for insurance, credit cards, bank accounts, and more—down to choices that represent a sweet spot for value—as in offering the features, returns, or experience we think you need for the smallest outlay. We ask: Is the return on a particular purchase or decision worth the cost or risk of that option, and how does the choice stack up against other options?

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