Singapore Office Focused REITs Comparison @ 21 September 2023
By REIT-TIREMENT  •  September 21, 2023
Below is a comparison using the latest data from comparison tables on SREITs Data page. The most favorable figures are marked in blue and given a +1 score, while the least favorable are in red with a -1 score. The highest score in each category determines the winner. Note that this is a simple comparison without weightage assigned to each figure. For Singapore office-focused REITs Comparison, the overall winner is: Overall Winner Now, let's dive into the details: Fundamental Overview & Related Parties Shareholding: Overview Winner: Tie between OUE Commercial REIT & Suntec REIT Related Parties Shareholding Winner: Tie between Keppel REIT & Mapletree Pan Asia Commercial Trust Lease & Diversification Profile: Lease Profile Winner: Suntec REIT Diversification Profile Winner: Mapletree Pan Asia Commercial Trust Debt Profile & Key Financial Metrics: Debt Profile Winner: Mapletree Pan Asia Commercial Trust Key Financial Metrics Winner: Mapletree Pan Asia Commercial Trust Distribution Breakdown & Growth Trend: Distribution Breakdown Winner: Mapletree Pan Asia Commercial Trust Growth Trend Winner: Keppel REIT...
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I am Vince and welcome to my blog. I started this blog on 1st January 2019. Since the start of my investment journey, I have been fond of REITs because of its dividends. REITs allowed you to become a property landlord and get rental income without having to fork out large sum of initial capital, look out for tenant as well as manage the properties ...

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