4 Young Homebuyer Trends That May Change Singpore’s Property Market
By Stacked Homes  •  September 27, 2023
Forget the stereotypes about millennials and their avocado toast obsessions; when it comes to home buying in Singapore, this generation is proving to have a stronger focus on liveability than before. Far from being frivolous or impractical, these younger homebuyers are leveraging unique strategies—from taking risks on “seedy” neighbourhoods to rethinking space—that might just be setting new norms for real estate investment. Here’s how millennials are transforming the way we think about buying a home in Singapore:
  1. What some call “being ironic” can also be a prudent home-buying strategy
Sometimes, millennials pick areas that are a bit dilapidated or seedy, despite having the means to buy at a better location. We’ve heard this derided as attempts to be edgy or ironic; but it does have a pay-off. In the early 2000s, for example, Joo Chiat was not a particularly desirable neighbourhood to be in. It was home to a growing number of dive bars, “massage” parlours,...
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By Stacked Homes
The Stacked Homes editorial began in February 2017 to provide the latest news and analysis on property in Singapore.

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