How MAS is Safeguarding Consumers in the Insurance Industry
By Singapore Financial Planners  •  September 27, 2023
Insurance is a crucial aspect of financial planning, protecting individuals and businesses against potential risks. However, with the vast array of insurance options available, consumers need reassurance that they are making informed choices and receiving fair treatment. That’s where the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) comes in. As Singapore’s central bank and financial regulatory authority, MAS plays a vital role in safeguarding consumers in the insurance space. With an ever-evolving landscape and emerging risks, it is essential to have a regulatory body that prioritises consumer protection. In this article, we will delve into the various initiatives and measures implemented by MAS to protect consumers like yourself in the insurance space. Take note that although we tried our best to cover everything, this list isn’t conclusive. Regulations also change constantly, so some things might differ, but we believe this post will give you a quick understanding of MAS’ role in protecting you. Let’s get started.

Regulatory Oversight

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By Singapore Financial Planners
We believe in the power of financial literacy. It’s unfortunate that schools do not provide crucial life lessons like financial planning. Thus, we created Singapore Financial Planners to create a space where we provide financial education so that you can make an informed decision.

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