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DBS Group – TA wise, very weak! Likely to head further South!
By Singapore Stocks Sharing  •  November 22, 2023
Chart wise, bearish mode! She is falling faster after went Ex.dividend a few days ago, doesn't look good! I think likely to go down to test 31.25 than 30.51 soon! Also Fed meeting is pointing to dovish tone on interest rate. Pls dyodd. This morning Gap down plus dropping more than its dividend of 48 cents doesn't look good! If 32.38 cannot hold,  she may likely go down to test 31.24 than 30.24 - 30.51. Pls dyodd. dividend of 48 cents. Ex.dividend 14th November. I think likely to go further down to test 32.65 than 32.35/32.00. Not a call to buy or sell! Pls dyodd. Chart wise, looks like the fund are selling judging from the bearish price patterns! A long a bearish candlestick plus high volume likely to see further weakness! Short term wise,   I think likely to go down to test 33.00 than 32.65 and 32.35 / 32.00. Pls dyodd....
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By Singapore Stocks Sharing
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