Can “Ulu” Condos Still Be Profitable?
By Stacked Homes  •  May 22, 2024
An ongoing assumption about condos is that, it is all about location location, and location. And while no one is really going to argue about the importance of that, it does make you wonder about the more obscure and less accessible plots. Given Singapore is so small and the addition of new MRT lines in the last decade, can even the more “ulu” condos still do well? Let’s take a look and find out: Picking out some “ulu” condos Let’s start by saying that there isn’t a strict definition per se, but for the most part, we consider these to be condos with low accessibility to public transport (particularly MRT stations). As a related factor, areas that are far from train stations also tend to be more sparse in terms of amenities, as train stations are usually built near the neighbourhood hub.  ...
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By Stacked Homes
The Stacked Homes editorial began in February 2017 to provide the latest news and analysis on property in Singapore.

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