Responding to an Insurance Agent: Why Commissions Are Not Better (For the Client)
By Sethisfy  •  May 23, 2024
I was minding my own business doing something important (like reviewing movies) and someone tagged me in a TikTok video talking about why commissions are better. This is a topic I absolutely hate talking about so naturally I made a 4-minute video in response. It’s doing pretty good numbers so here’s a written piece to accompany it: Generally, I think the agent’s arguments can be boiled down into 2 main points:
  1. Commissions make financial consultants plan well
  2. Fee for advice makes financial planning costlier
Both are puzzling points, so as a stickler for veracity I feel that it is important to address the claims made. Disclaimer: I am currently employed in a fee-only advisory firm but please do not contact me about this as I’d like to keep my day job and website separate as best as possible. Claim 1: commissions make financial consultants plan well The entire financial planning process can be largely categorised into roughly 4 stages:...
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By Sethisfy
As an adult, I’ve been through many ups and downs in my career path and personal finance journey, not unlike many Singaporeans. From my years as a tied insurance agent turned independent financial adviser, I realised that there are very few sources of proper, unbiased financial advice for working adults to access. Worse, self-styled “financial consultants” are selling products like savings plans and ILPs to the detriment of the clients whose interests they were supposed to serve.

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